The Power of Community Involvement
Getting involved in your community and giving back will certainly distinguish your business from your competitors, and will impact your business in positive ways including loyal customers and happier employees. Developing a "giving back strategy” and incorporating it into your business plan is a great idea to build a relationship with your costumers and get your employees more involved. Look at your business and your community. How can you help? Does the animal shelter need donations? Can you host a lunch for the local school staff to show your appreciation for the teachers? Is there a high school football team that needs new uniforms? Can you offer your employees an opportunity to volunteer during work hours?
Let your customers know how you are giving back and invite them to become part of your efforts. Put it on your website, take pictures of any event you’re hosting and use it on your social media. Get more people involved and make a difference in your community. By helping others, you will be helping your business solidify its place in the community you serve.